Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Thoughts About the Sacrament

As I talked about the sacrament in my last post, I realized that I haven't talked about it much and probably should.

To the LDS, the sacrament is the most important reason for going to church. When you eat the bread and drink the water, it is almost like being baptized all over again. Each time you take it, you are renewing your commitment to Jesus Christ. As you honor that commitment, Jesus forgives you of your recent sins.

The sacrament is administered by the young men of the ward. Before sacrament meeting starts, the young men fill the water trays with small cups of water. A piece of bread is placed in the bread tray. After the opening prayer and some ward business, the congregation sings a song, during which, the priests take the bread and break it into pieces. After the song, a verbatim prayer is said over the bread and then the deacons pass it out. The members each take one piece of bread.

After the bread is passed, another verbatim prayer is said over the water. The two prayers are similar but do have their differences. Once again, the deacons pass the water, once the prayer has been properly said.

The bread represents the body of Jesus Christ and the water represents his blood.

Once I started thinking about it, I realized how barbaric this ritual is. Let me explain.

First of all, Christianity is based upon human sacrifice. It was gods plan from the beginning to send his son to earth to be sacrificed. And we thought that only primitive cultures did that sort of thing.

But that's not the worst of it. Not only is Christianity based upon human sacrifice, it is also based upon cannibalism. We say a prayer over Jesus' dead body and then we eat it. We say a prayer over his blood and then we drink it. That's disgusting!

When you think about it that way, it really sounds cultish, does it not? It sounds primitive and almost satanic. Well, I, for one, refuse to take part in any of that. Not only am I no longer ashamed to not take the sacrament, I am proud of it. I am surrounded by barbarians who think that by eating the body of their master, he will love them for it. Gross!

And they say that atheists are the heathens...


Dr. Shades said...

I agree with you. The realization that the sacrament is, in all actuality, nothing more than ritualized cannibalism turned me off of the ordinance forever.

Mike Day said...

As far as I know, the only religion that believes in transubstantiation is the Catholic church. Catholics believe that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ.

In the LDS church, we believe no such thing. We take the bread and water "in remembrance of Him." Jesus said he is the bread of life and living water. This *allegory* is formalized in the Sacrament. We believe the first ordinance of the sacrament was the Last Supper. We specifically denounce transubstantiation.

All people die, some people die altruistically to benefit others. This is totally different from human sacrifice as practiced in some ancient cultures.

We believe all people are resurrected. It is completely false to characterize Christianity as "based on human sacrifice." It is based on altruism and resurrection.

I don't know if you are purposely publishing mis-characterizations about LDS doctrine, or you are simply mis-informed. I hope it is the latter.

Mormon411 said...

Hi ncultra,

As the title of my post says, it's just my thoughts on the matter. I know that the LDS church does not believe in transubstantiation, but the fact that the bread and water represents his body and blood, just kind of creeps me out. May I refer you to Moroni 4:1

"The manner of their elders and priests administering the flesh and blood of Christ unto the church..."

Although they do not teach transubstantiation, that verse sure makes it sound like they do.

Mike Day said...

Re: Moroni 4:1, also read the following verse in Moroni 4:3

3 O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.

Key words in this case being "in remembrance of"

Long Ben Avery said...

The Eucharist/Sacrament is the creepiest aspect of all The Christian Religions. Even if your sect does not believe in transubstantiation, I still find it quite repellent.