Before you go around believing in every psuedo science you hear, it might be a good idea to actually do a little research before you try to disprove something.
Saying "I don't know" is better than just making up a magical fairy tale.
Creationism is not science; evolution is not religion. Quit trying to treat the two as equals... they are not equal and never will be no matter how big of a fit you throw!
Good point! Where are all those intermediate fossils?
"... you should take the time to educate yourself about it."
Notice the word "yourself". Find that answer yourself because if I show it to you, you'll just shrug it off anyway.
You disregard evidence and support magical thinking and so I don't take anything you have to say seriously.
Here you go! They have a whole list of them published right here.
Well, that shut her up. If you can't refute it, just ignore it... it will eventually go away.
Shut me up? I was only waiting to see if anyone here scoffed at the idea of "evidence" being found on Wikipedia. I mean really, is that not just a place where whatever idea the most people accept somehow becomes "fact"? Truth is not a popularity contest.
I'm pretty sure if I had done "research" on Wikipedia to support anything I said that you would have LOL'd yourself to death!
Then by all means. Click on the 36 references at the bottom of the Wikipedia page. I know it's much easier to attack the source and ignore the evidence, but really, it's just a couple of clicks.
My only complaint with the wiki is the fact that I know there are lots more examples available than they chose to show. I think they may have figured that 36 examples should be enough to convince most sound minded rational people...
Very odd...
When I tried to use wikipedia to look for proof of creation..I got this:
"No results found for +wikipedia +"Proof of creation"."
Maybe WingAbouts should write the first article so it can be peer reviewed.
While there are transitional fossils, one does not need to look at the fossil record in order to find transitional species.
One of the biggest arguments against evolution is that "half an eye is no good".
The living world is filled with creatures with every stage of the evolution of the eye, from light sensitive cells, to eye spots, to pin-hole, to fully functional eyes.
Why the Eye?
According to evolutionists, the eye evolved independently 40 different times! I guess the ability to see is very important to survival!
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